关键词: 福田桃子 北畑龍一 Gezan-meshi 剧情
本剧改编自同名随笔,近年来人气高涨的低山登山是指,从登山初学者到登山老手都可以当天往返,挑战海拔不足1000米的山的登山方式。低山登山的魅力在于缓解每天的疲劳,但徒步者的另一个乐趣是登山后吃的“下山饭”。登山后,在舒适的餐厅和米饭的浸润下,平时不经意间吃到的食物也变成了一道菜,满足了徒步旅行者的胃。主演:志田未来 黑谷友香 绀野彩夏 山下莉绪 小林凉子 竹财辉之助 柳百合菜 户塚纯贵 池田朱那 佐藤绮星 山崎空 前原滉 原ふき子
Plot Summary:Mineko (Mirai Shida) is an introverted illustrator, who isn't good with interpersonal communication. When she is alone or in her fantasy world, she tends to be talkative. Her hobby is mountain climbing. Along with mountain climbing, she loves to drink beer and enjoy meals at restaurants after descending the mountain. She carefully selects a restaurant for that event and enjoys their selected meals.
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